- 喜欢的东西突然出现在拉斯维加斯歌舞女郎假分裂是不喜欢看着窗外的理论是将要发生。
- The theory of something popping out like showgirls fake cleavage in vegas wasn 't looking like it was going to happen .
- 这个特殊的公共权力之所以需要,是因为自从社会分裂为阶级以后,居民的自动的武装组织已经成为不可能了。
- This special public force is needed because a self-acting armed organization of the people has become impossible since their cleavage into classes .
- 从第一次社会大分工中,也就产生了第一次社会大分裂,分裂为两个阶级:主人和奴隶、剥削者和被剥削者。
- From the first great social division of labor arose the first great cleavage of society into two classes : masters and slaves , exploiters and exploited .
- 文本如何分段取决于所使用分割的等级。
- How a text is segmented depends on the level of segmentation used .
- 如果发现错误分割,必须对规则进行自定义。
- Customizing the rules may be necessary if you notice bad segmentation .
- 目前的研发版本已有新的用户界面,句子分割,和其它预期的功能。
- The current development version already has a new user interface , sentence segmentation , and other expected functionality .
- 喜欢的东西突然出现在拉斯维加斯歌舞女郎假分裂是不喜欢看着窗外的理论是将要发生。
- The theory of something popping out like showgirls fake cleavage in vegas wasn 't looking like it was going to happen .
- 这个特殊的公共权力之所以需要,是因为自从社会分裂为阶级以后,居民的自动的武装组织已经成为不可能了。
- This special public force is needed because a self-acting armed organization of the people has become impossible since their cleavage into classes .
- 从第一次社会大分工中,也就产生了第一次社会大分裂,分裂为两个阶级:主人和奴隶、剥削者和被剥削者。
- From the first great social division of labor arose the first great cleavage of society into two classes : masters and slaves , exploiters and exploited .