


Cleveland 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Cleveland has been losing inhabitants for years .
- 几年来,克利夫兰的居民一直在流失。
- President cleveland asked how long he could wait to have the cancer removed .
- 克利夫兰总统问,他可以等多长时间才必须将这个癌切除。
- Cleveland still makes the cut thanks to high taxes ( income and property ) along with lousy weather and sports teams .
- 克里夫兰做到了,这多亏了高额的收入和所得税,相伴着糟糕的天气和球队。
- According to a smh article at the end of 2006 , laipply is a comedian and motivational speaker from cleveland , ohio .
- 据2006年底smh文章报道,laipply是来自于美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰市的一个喜剧家和动机发言人。
- The research was led by dr. sanjay r. patel of case western reserve university in cleveland .
- 这项研究的负责人是克利夫兰凯斯西储大学的桑贾伊r帕特尔博士。
- This week in our series , we begin the story of grover cleveland 's second presidency .
- 本周,我们就开始向你讲述克利夫兰的第二个总统任期。
- His campaign organized two additional stops for election day , in cleveland and pittsburgh .
- 他的竞选团队在克利夫兰和匹兹堡为投票日组织了两场额外的竞选集会。
- The 21 include chicago , tampa , cleveland and parts of los angeles county .
- 这21个地区包括芝加哥、坦帕、克利夫兰和洛杉矶的部分郡。
- I was living alone in alone in a studio apartment in a shitty section of west cleveland .
- 我孤身窝在西克利夫兰市一块脏乱差区域的一个小公寓单人房里。
- But butcher , not unlike the cleveland council members , quickly changed his positions .
- 然而,布彻跟克利夫兰市议会成员不同,他很快改变了立场。