- 某种能预见或预测未来的天赋。
- Some sort of gift of second sight or divination .
- 在古典上古,有多大兴趣清道--询问卜的亡灵.
- In classical antiquity , there was much interest in necromancy -- the consultation of the dead for divination .
- 事实上,他们通过将加热金属浸在液体中产生磁力,其应用完全是出于直觉的洞察。
- In fact , they produced magnetic forces via a heated metal submerged in liquid and their application was divination .
- 在可视光下,sh2-235星云看上去像一朵很小琥珀色的云。
- Seen in visible light , the nebula known as sh 2-235 looks like a small , amber cloud .
- 萨哈:但是你认为作为科学家,他有资格相信吗?
- Sh : but you believe he 's entitled to believe it as a scientist ?
- 萨哈:它们确实贬低了他以科学教育人的责任。
- Sh : they do detract from his responsible education of people on science .