- 缺乏做空机制和衍生工具,意味着难以进行对冲。
- The absence of short selling and derivatives makes hedging difficult .
- 我们永远不会对那些掌握破坏力(独立于其卖空行为之外)的卖空者有好感无论是谣言传播者、董事会成员、还是押注于自己输掉比赛的运动员。
- We should never feel comfortable about short-sellers who also ( independently of their short-selling ) possess the power to destroy - be they rumour-mongers , board members , or just a sportsman backing himself to lose .
- heebner是为数不多的定期从事卖空的基金经理,2万亿美元在资本市场的流动前景足以触动任何卖空交易者的神经。
- Heebner is one of the few fund managers who routinely engages in short-selling , and the prospect of a couple of trillion dollars flooding the equity markets should be enough to give any short-seller pause .