- 他试着避免在对员工下命令时语气单调,在开会时坐得笔挺,并在会议桌上用水瓶和笔记本标示出他的势力范围,表现出有力的自信。
- He tried to avoid a monotone in commanding his employees , sit upright during meetings and display powerful confidence at a conference table by marking his territory with a water bottle and notebook .
- 大多数金龟子都是单调的黑色或褐色,然而,有一些金龟子却颜色鲜艳,拥有复杂的图案,一个个闪闪发亮,甚至具有金属的光泽。
- Most scarabs are monotone black or brown , but some wear bright colors , intricate patterns , an iridescent glow , or even a metallic sheen .
- 然而,关于非正义的描述,虽确实令人烦忧,但是单调乏味,而且,传达的信息(反战,反美)没有丝毫的与众不同之处。
- Yet the accounts of injustice , though truly upsetting , are monotone , and the message ( anti-war , anti-american ) lacks any shade of nuance .
- 照说两国政府该是亲密的盟友,但双方不脱千篇一律地相互背叛。
- The governments are supposedly close allies , yet betray each other with monotonous regularity .
- 我的同乡们是在一个完全与外界隔绝的单调环境里生活,打发时光。
- My fellow villagers live and while away their time in a monotonous environment completely cut off from the outside world .
- 在长达数十年中,铁矿石储量丰富,价格稳定,开采这种大宗商品是一个单调乏味的行当。
- For decades , iron ore was plentiful , prices were stable and mining the commodity was a monotonous and unglamorous business .
- 你能感觉到有多枯燥和乏味吗?
- How dull and boring can you get ?
- 欧洲的大选传统上是沉闷的。
- European elections are traditionally dull affairs .
- 总得有人来确保完成那些枯燥但必需的工作。
- Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done .
- 正如对单调乏味的几年的厌倦是对一生的有价值的预备,因此发掘无聊乏味之外存在的奢华和悲惨的世界是有裨益的。
- Just as being bored by years of monotony is a valuable preparation for life , so is finding out that there 's a world of luxury and misery beyond that tedium .
- 路轨旁单调的景色被两行电杆所打破,它们一直延伸到无限远处,却又加深了孤独的感觉。
- Beside the train , the monotony is broken by two lines of wooden telegraph poles , marching into infinity , that deepen a sense of loneliness .
- 打破图像中心的单调,一块与众不同的岩石显得特别醒目。
- Breaking the monotony , visible toward the image center , an unusual rock sticks out from the landscape .