- 我最鄙视这种半吊子英语的人了!
- I have held this english dabbler person in contempt most !
- 她说自己只是一时兴起搞点小说创作,她真正感兴趣的是诗歌。
- She said that she was only a dabbler in the art of novel writing , and that her real interest was in poetry .
- 你居然敢说我是半瓶醋!
- You dare say I am a dabbler !
- 业余园艺爱好者只喜欢春夏,真正的园艺爱好者也喜欢冬天。
- Dilettante gardeners love the spring and summer ; real gardeners also love the winter .
- 普鲁斯特一生中大部分时间都是浅尝辄止,这部作品很好地诠释了这个事实。
- Proust spent most of his life as a typical dilettante , and this work very well captures that truth .
- 吉他是鼓以外我唯一认真地演奏过的乐器。虽然我在演奏钢琴,口琴,班卓琴上有业余爱好,但是我不会在演出时表演它们。
- Guitar is the only thing other than drums that I 've ever played seriously , although now I 'm a dilettante at piano , harmonica , and banjo , but I don 't perform on those .