- 北极熊主要生活在北极圈内,它们是已知的最大陆地食肉动物,而且还是最大的一种熊类。
- The polar bear , which is native largely to the arctic circle , is the world 's largest carnivore species found on land .
- 从这个国家中部的特隆赫姆往北极圈的哈默菲斯特寄信,夏天要3个星期,冬天要5个月。
- To send a letter from trondheim in the center of the country to hammerfest above the arctic circle took as long as three weeks in the summer and five months in the winter !
- 一个发现是,苏格兰以北奥克尼群岛上的某些人们的祖先同样也是西伯利亚人的祖先,可能是由于现代奥克尼人的一些祖先曾经冒险途径北极圈迁移到亚洲的缘故。
- One is that the people of the orkney islands , to the north of scotland , share some ancestry with siberians , possibly because some ancestors of modern orcadians ventured to asia via the arctic circle .