- maaleadumin等新的定居点将耶路撒冷包围,使巴勒斯坦人遭到分隔和孤立,而无论在哪种和解协议中,耶路撒冷都应该是分享的首都。
- The encirclement of jerusalem by new colonies such as maale adumin cuts off palestinians from what should become , in any settlement , a shared capital .
- 还可能要求美国减轻巴军方对被阿富汗亲印度当局包围的担忧。
- It will also require america to allay the army 's fear of encirclement by a pro-india regime in afghanistan .
- 叙利亚硝烟散尽之时也是伊斯兰势力雄起之日,他们看来将以几个言行一直,咬牙切齿的政府彻底包围以色列。
- When the smoke clears in syria , islamist forces could emerge triumphant there too , seemingly completing israel 's encirclement by like-minded , hostile governments .