- 它有助于防止用户在浏览网站时变得疲惫,它可以在内容中划出距离,而且它本身也看上去不错。
- It helps prevent a user from becoming fatigued while looking at a site , it allows separation between content , and it just looks good .
- 建议:如果你经常感觉疲劳而睡觉时鼾声很大,去询问的你的医生你是否是患有睡眠暂停症。
- Protect yourself : if you 're a loud snorer who feels constantly fatigued , ask your doctor if you should be tested for apnea .
- 在排卵后的第一天,6.8%的女人之后怀孕并且报告她们觉得很疲惫。
- On the first day after ovulation , 6.8 % of women who later turned out to be pregnant reported feeling fatigued .
- 单独旅行越来越受到年轻人的欢迎,在我们旅行的时候我的旅游同伴已经厌倦了这么拥挤。
- Solo tourism was growing in popularity among the young people , and even in the course of our time together my fellow-tourists had wearied of hustling so much .
- 很多岛主都很厌烦保养岛屿。
- Many islanders have wearied of the upkeep .
- 爬了两层楼,他妻子已经觉得累了。
- The climb up two flights of stairs had wearied his wife .