- 所有这些给了我长生不老的感觉,所以说很难把我的生日当做任何事情,只是我做我喜欢的事。
- All these things give me a sense of agelessness , so it is hard to think of this birthday as anything but another day to do things I love .
- 如果要找个人来撰写首部美国女性文学简史,你很难想到比伊莱恩肖沃尔特更适合的人选。
- It is hard to think of anyone better placed to write the first comprehensive history of american women 's literature than elaine showalter .
- 而在上车检查站聚集,使与新来搜查政府武库,他们几乎不知道如何使用获得的武器的政府职位新鲜架次货车无领导带看,很难想到这是类似于传统的军队什么。
- And looking at the leaderless bands of pick-up trucks gathering at checkpoints to make fresh sorties on government positions with weapons newly acquired from raided government arsenals that they barely know how to use , it 's hard to think of this as anything like a conventional army .