- 性等创新方向选择准则,明确了当前声乐教育创新方向应是在现代生物学基础上引入与应用当代心理学知识。
- With the advanceable , rational or functional orientation t aken as the guidelines to be chosen for the innovation , what shall be sure to doat present is to introduce and apply the contemporary psychological knowledge b ased on up-to-date biology .
- 这个任务可以跳过.如果你想跳过必须确信有足够的水晶打开它.
- Be sure to turn in enough crystals to be able to get the next mission if you choose to skip this one .
- 阿里巴巴进到厨房,令莫吉安娜在为晚上准备的肉里不要放盐;并且快点作出2到3个他另外吩咐的蔬菜炖肉,但是要确保不要放盐在里面。
- Ali baba went into the kitchen , and ordered morgiana to put no salt to the meat that was to be dressed that night ; and to make quickly two or three ragouts besides what he had ordered , but be sure to put no salt in them .