- 那是一次技术的杰作。
- It was a technological tour de force .
- “这是一个旅程,实验的力量(?)”一塔夫斯大学的化石病毒专家约翰卡宾说。
- " It was a tour-de-force of an experiment , " said john coffin , an expert on fossil viruses at tufts university .
- 我认为她演的麦克白夫人堪称一绝。
- I thought her lady macbeth was a tour de force .
- 这是一件货真价实的基督教艺术杰作。
- This is a true christian masterpiece .
- 柴可夫斯基创造了他的第一部真正的杰作。
- Tchaikovsky had produced his first real masterpiece .
- 事实上,行李标签堪称设计和工程的杰作。
- It 's actually a masterpiece of design and engineering .