- 我唯一能为你们做的就是努力学习和工作,为了在不远的将来,让你们享有健康快乐的晚年生活。
- The only thing I can do for you is to study and work hard in the hope that in someday nit for from now I can make you enjoy your healthy and happy late years .
- 巴拉克竭力促成峰会,因为1993年协议中的零碎解决方法和《怀依河和平协定》对他来说不够好。
- Barak had pushed hard for the summit because the piecemeal approach of the 1993 agreement and the wye river accord didn 't work for him .
- 没有哪位作家曾为这片土地上最卑微的事物产生过比他更温柔亲切的感情,或用对那些为了面包而努力工作的人们更深的尊敬充满这个世界。
- No writer has inspired more tenderness for the humblest things of this earth or filled the world with a deeper respect for those who work hard for their bread .