- 所有的救济资金将被切断。
- All bail-out funds would be cut off .
- 当美国切断了能源援助的时候,他还为朝鲜提供了能源。
- He also supplied the north when america cut off energy aid .
- 下次再因为有树砸断电缆导致断电的话,请记住这一点。
- Next time your power is cut off because a tree has fallen on the cable remember that .
- 每天阅读一下幽默故事并删掉那些令你想起你的现实生活的片断,把这些故事张贴在公告板上,冰箱上或者你可经常看到的任何地方.
- Read the comics every day and cut out the ones that remind you of your life . Post them on a bulletin board or the refrigerator or anywhere else you can see them frequently .
- 将一切非必需的东西删去,你才能提炼出更有意义的故事。
- Cut out everything that 's not necessary and you 've got a more meaningful story .
- 首先,删除背景中的旧脑袋,这样我们能更好地在新脑袋上作调整。
- First off cut out the background head so we can work on our new one .
- 而他仅有的其他显著改革则是削弱选举监管机构,该机构在去年的总统大选时,对卡尔扎伊的胜利提出了质疑。
- And his only other significant reform has been to emasculate the election watchdog that did much to challenge his victory in last year 's presidential poll .
- 他指责英国政府与她的律师行业强调自由化的唯一议程,试图削弱印度律师群体的力量。
- He accuses the british government and profession of " trying to emasculate the indian legal community " by pressing a " one-point agenda " of liberalisation .
- 阉割:去除(雄性动物的)睾丸;阉割或使无男子气。
- Castrate : to remove the testicles of ( a male ) ; geld or emasculate .