- 他的前任在2009年就被囚禁了起来。
- His predecessor has been in jail since 2009 .
- 与维基百科的前身作比较是很受启发的。
- It 's instructive to compare wikipedia to its predecessor .
- 奥巴马具备他的前辈们从未享受过的优势。
- Mr obama has advantages that his predecessor never enjoyed .
- 一些投资者将其视为可能出现一个快速扩张的欧元区共同债券市场的前兆。
- Some investors see the bond issue as a precursor to a common eurozone bond market that could rapidly expand .
- 关于阿帕网如今的互联网的先驱有一个谬传,说它是为了抵御核武器攻击特别设计的。
- There 's a myth that the arpanet -- the precursor to today 's internet -- was designed specifically to withstand nuclear strikes .
- 至少在纸上,火星仍然是美航局的最终目标,其最新的好奇号探测器在某种程度上被看做是人类使命的先驱。
- At least on paper , mars remains an eventual nasa goal , with their latest curiosity rover seen in some ways as a precursor to human missions .
- 达尔富尔各派系称自己为苏丹革命阵线。
- Together they call themselves the sudan revolutionary front .
- 终于把门前院子里的篱笆修剪了。
- Finally trimmed the hedges in our front yard .
- 国民阵线甚至还拥有8个镇议员。
- The front boasts eight town councillors .
- 他的前任们采取了听之任之的态度。
- His predecessors had been supine .
- 奥巴马先生欠了某个前任总统一笔债。
- Mr obama owes a debt to one of his predecessors .
- 他很有可能比他的前任干得更加出色。
- And he stands a better chance of success than his predecessors .
- 反倾销是关贸总协定和世界贸易组织所允许采用的抵制外来不公平竞争的合法手段之一。
- Anti-dumping is one of legitimate methods permitted by gatt and wto to resist unfair competition from abroad .
- 根据“关贸总协定”规定的条件可以签订双边自由贸易协议。
- Bilateral free trade arrangements are permitted under conditions specified in the gatt articles .
- 当然,志趣相投的国家会想加深金融一体化并且自由的融合他们的管理,假如(就像在关贸总协定里一样)它们不将此作为金融保护主义的借口的话。
- Of course , like-minded countries that want to go into deeper financial integration and harmonise their regulations would be free to do so , provided ( as in the gatt ) they do not use this as an excuse for financial protectionism .