- 结束这两场战争是开创一个以相互尊重为基础的新合作时代的前提条件。
- Ending them was a prerequisite for a new era of engagement based on mutual respect .
- 2009年2月奥地利一个法庭规定,手术不是性别和姓名改变的前提条件。
- In february 2009 an austrian court ruled that surgery was not a prerequisite for sex and name changes .
- 这意味着hd40307表面可能存在液态水,而水是生命的前提条件。
- That means hd 40307 g could have liquid water on the surface-a probable prerequisite for life .
- 一月,奥巴马上任以后,提出与伊朗进行无先决条件会谈。
- After taking office in january , barack obama offered talks without precondition to iran .
- 如果美国与缅甸接触是结束对缅制裁和振兴缅甸经济的前提条件,那么许多人将会认为这是值得付出的代价。
- If us engagement is the precondition for ending sanctions and energising the burmese economy , many would see that as a price worth paying .
- 金正日不想代替父亲的这一位置,而这种继承关系也是目前的领导体制有权长存万岁的一个前提条件。
- Kim jong il is not going to replace him , which would have been a precondition for the perpetuation of the current system of leadership .