- 他尽其所能去削弱他们。
- He did his best to weaken them .
- 假如此次重蹈覆辙将会减弱他的威信。
- A repeat performance would weaken his credibility .
- 相悖的信息会使你的品牌打造效果大大减弱。
- Conflicting messages weaken your branding efforts .
- 风险在于团结部队或许会通过转移稀缺的资源而削弱北约反应部队的作用。
- The risk is that the solidarity force could simply cripple the nrf by diverting scarce resources .
- 那些谎言,不可避免的削弱了他们,在一些方面,一些十分重要的方面。
- The lies inevitably cripple them in some way , often significantly .
- 他兼具左倾信念与谋求共识的性情,这种双重人格恐将削弱他在任期内的作为。
- This split personality leftist convictions combined with a consensus-seeking temperament threatens to cripple the obama presidency .
- 定期地放松管理压力。
- Relax regularly and manage stress .
- 试着在上床前放松。
- Try to relax before bed .
- 他要求欧盟放宽对于西班牙的严格减赤要求。
- He wants the eu to relax spain 's tough deficit targets .
- 做简单的隔离和放松训练。
- Do a simple isolation and relaxation exercise .
- 让每天放松一下成为习惯。
- Make daily relaxation a habit .
- 主动放松就是什么都不做。
- Active relaxation involves doing literally almost nothing .