- 嘿,我听说丽莎捅了你!你早该知道她是个疯子!
- Hey I heard lisa tried to stab you ! You should have known that ho was crazy !
- 但它们也会鼓励员工拒绝共享资源,在同事背后捅刀子。
- But they also encourage staff to stab colleagues in the back by refusing to share equipment .
- 我的团队的一位成员对一个行业新手当老板感到不满,正等着在我背后捅刀子。
- One member of my team resented the presence of a boss that was new to the industry and was waiting to stab me in the back .
- 她说和他们家人的通讯交流已经被切断了。
- She said communications with their extended family had been cut .
- 减少风险有两种途径。
- The risks cut two ways .
- 为什么要剪成短发呢?
- What made you cut it ?
- 我们需要创新,需要不断满足消费者的期望,这将是我们关注的重点。
- We need to innovate and meet consumer expectations , and that 's going to be our focus .
- 现在,人们既可以在这里会面和宣传,也可以公开阐述自己的观点。
- Now it 's as much a place to meet and be visible as an announcement stage .
- 我们会找到见面的方法的。
- We will work out how to meet .
- theecozoo让这种自然的优雅变成现实。
- The eco zoo takes natural elegance and makes it physical .
- 环保理念:变旧地铁车厢为环保工作室。
- Eco factor : old subway cars recycled into sustainable studios .
- ecoconcept昨晚称,该交易将保障200个在英国的就业岗位。
- Eco concept claimed last night that the deal would safeguard 200 jobs in the uk .