- 在美国社会,成功是根植于每个人心中的一种期待,以至于美国人不愿向家人和朋友们承认自己日子过得艰难。
- Success is such a deeply ingrained expectation in this society that we loathe burdening our family or friends with admissions of hardship .
- 因而为了大众的福祉,美国的年轻人应当接受性教育来驱散有害的神秘性,尤其是认为禁欲对于男性身体有害,因为男子的性需求太强烈,这一根深蒂固的偏见。
- For the general welfare , therefore , american youth should be given sex education in order to dispel harmful myths , notably the deeply ingrained belief that the male sex need was so great that sexual continence was physically harmful for a man .
- 问题是悲观的想法已经根深蒂固。
- The trouble is that the downbeat narrative is deeply ingrained .
- 我的内心深处告诉我并没有被抛弃.
- Deep down I knew I wasn 't abandoned .
- 莫斯科的影响确实积怨甚深。
- Moscow 's influence runs deep indeed .
- 我们与以色列的友谊深厚而长久。
- Our friendship with israel is deep and enduring .