- 但假如有这样的例外,那就非格鲁吉亚莫属了就在这里,2003年爆发了玫瑰革命,2年前卷入了和俄罗斯之间的短暂战争,而格鲁吉亚现在仍犹如一根棘刺,横梗在俄罗斯与西方世界之间。
- But if any poll deserves to be an exception it is in georgia-scene of the rose revolution in 2003 , a brief war with russia two years ago and still a thorn in russia 's relations with the west .
- 印度男孩从荆棘里面拔出一根锋利的刺。
- The indian boy took a sharp thorn from a bramble .
- 他已经成为一个种族隔离的政权下一根锋芒利刺,唱着一切被禁止的东西。
- He was already a thorn under the hide of the apartheid regime , singing things that were forbidden .