- 取下踏板,车轮横杆及其他任何尖锐物以防刺穿盒子。
- Take off pedals , wheel skewers and anything else pointy that may puncture the box .
- 也可以导致敌军导弹上的光和热传感器失灵,刺穿一些小船。
- It could blind optical or heat-seeking sensors on enemy missiles , or puncture small boats .
- 腰椎穿刺用一根针刺入腰椎,可用来探测脑部的蛋白质水平,通常阿尔茨海默症患者要高于额颞性痴呆患者。
- A lumbar puncture - a needle in the spine - may also be used to check protein levels in the brain , which tend to be higher in alzheimer 's than with frontotemporal dementia .
- 这是什么乱七八糟的?这家伙是谁?
- What is this bullshit ? Who 's this prick ?
- 水蒸汽使他眼睛刺痛。
- The vapor made his eyes prick .
- 它会刺破流动性泡沫吗?
- Will these prick the liquidity bubble ?
- 索赔表格是惯用的粉红色。
- The forms are institutional pink .
- 奇普打开了那个粉红色的盒子。
- Chip opens the pink box to me .
- 有时,我们甚至把墙刷成了粉红色。
- Sometimes we even pink the walls .