- 取下踏板,车轮横杆及其他任何尖锐物以防刺穿盒子。
- Take off pedals , wheel skewers and anything else pointy that may puncture the box .
- 也可以导致敌军导弹上的光和热传感器失灵,刺穿一些小船。
- It could blind optical or heat-seeking sensors on enemy missiles , or puncture small boats .
- 腰椎穿刺用一根针刺入腰椎,可用来探测脑部的蛋白质水平,通常阿尔茨海默症患者要高于额颞性痴呆患者。
- A lumbar puncture - a needle in the spine - may also be used to check protein levels in the brain , which tend to be higher in alzheimer 's than with frontotemporal dementia .
- 他们也不断受到无关的零散信息的骚扰这一刻是一位朋友捅来的一条,下一时刻是最近的希腊金融灾难。
- They are also constantly bombarded with unrelated bits and pieces-a poke from a friend one moment , the latest greek financial tragedy the next .
- 戴特又戳了她一下,但是因为这孩子根本一点也不懂得戴特戳自己的意思,所以她根本没有在意。
- Dete gave her another poke , but as the child had not the least idea why she did so she was not at all confused .
- 您可以购买特制的橄榄油灯,或者简单地把橄榄油倒入玻璃瓶中,在瓶盖上戳个洞,然后塞入油灯灯芯即可。
- You can purchase specially made olive oil lamps , or simply pour it into a glass jar , poke a hole into the jar lid and insert an oil lamp wick .