- 您的引导一直让我非常感激。
- Your guidance has always been appreciated .
- 该公司最近还调高了季度业绩指导。
- It also recently raised its quarterly guidance .
- 让上帝给你指导,协助你。
- Ask him for guidance and support .
- 不管是谁的经验指导了星期五的袭击,此次事件的发生会增加对尼日利亚联邦政府镇压此次行动的压力。
- Regardless of whose expertise guided friday 's attack , the incident will increase pressure on nigeria 's federal government to stamp out the movement .
- 在奥派商业周期理论的指导下,我也可以看到零售部门开始比其他资本更密集部门更早的开始复苏。
- Guided by austrian business-cycle theory , we would also expect to see the retail sectors begin to recover earlier than the more capital-intensive sectors .
- 其主要设计者之一是凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes),他的想法对当前的危机应对行动起了很大指导作用。
- One of its main architects was john maynard keynes and his ideas have guided much of the current crisis response .
- 没有哪一个单独的问题重要到能够充分满足作为一种组织分析者的指导原则。
- No single item is of sufficient importance to suffice as a guiding principle for the organizational analyst .
- 但是另一个wto的指导方针“最惠国”条款必须适用。
- But another of the wto 's guiding principles-the " most-favoured-nation " clause-must apply .
- 有一位指导15岁学生进行有关英国制造业深度辩论的老师转行前是财政部经济学家。
- A teacher guiding 15-year-olds through a thoughtful debate on british manufacturing was a treasury economist before switching career .