- 年龄决定了这些即将20岁的新入伍战士更加容易受到伤害。
- Age predicts an even more vulnerable cohort of soldiers , those who enlist in their late 20s .
- 九步计划中的第八步是获得团队的支持。
- Step eight in the nine-step plan is to enlist a team for support .
- 获得一些帮助要向什么人咨询适合孩子年龄的语言呢?一个理想的人选是孩子的老师。
- Enlist some help - an ideal person to ask about age-appropriate language is your child 's teacher .
- 听众中包括一些伊斯兰学者。
- The audience included muslim scholars .
- 遇害者包括他的兄弟。
- Those killed included his brother .
- 它包含世界第一个法律性的系统碳预算。
- It included the world 's first legally binding carbon budget .
- 相对于官方数字,在这些数据的份额中赤贫下降的原因是由于包括了政府的转移支付。
- The share of those in extreme poverty fell , relative to the official measure , thanks to the inclusion of government support .
- 这项互联网提议,本打算包括在女皇对政府立法议程的演讲中,现在已经降级为一份草稿了。
- The internet proposals , slated for inclusion in the queen 's speech laying out the government 's firm legislative agenda , have been downgraded to a mere draft for consultation .
- 哥伦比亚定义国内武装冲突受害人的新法律包括政府武装力量所针对的人,也许这是该法律最具争议的地方。
- Perhaps the most controversial provision of colombia 's new law defining the victims of the country 's internal armed conflict was its inclusion of people targeted by the government 's own forces .