Former u. s. president george w. bush called him a pygmy .
The genomes of contemporary pygmy and hunter gatherer tribes in africa , for example , have roughly as many differences as do those of european modern humans and neandertals .
It is sometimes said that the european union is an economic giant but a political pygmy , with no foreign policy to speak of .
Once upon a time the american right led the world when it came to rethinking government ; now it is an intellectual pygmy .
Pygmy marmosetsare popular with zoo visitors - but they 're a lot happier scurrying up and down trees in a rainforest
Yet taking a longer view , it is inconceivable that a rising economic giant will forever content itself with a pygmy currency .
Pygmy goatsare fun-loving pets that need at least one other goat for company , or even another species such as a horse or donkey
Cuba is to supply 19 animals from species of which it now has a surplus . They include a giraffe , two lions , four zebras , a rhino and a pygmy hippo .
Yet mr obama and his party seem a model of fiscal statesmanship compared with their republican opponents . Once upon a time the american right led the world when it came to rethinking government ; now it is an intellectual pygmy .
Because of the unique conditions there , messel which is now designated a unesco world heritage site has yielded countless fabulous fossils including bats , pygmy horses , crocodiles and even insects with the colours on their wings still visible .