- 如果政府如预期般出现分歧,一些民主党人士公开猜测共和党控制的众议院将有利于奥巴马,他将在竞选连任总统时将把共和党当作陪衬。
- If government in washington is divided as expected , some democrats have openly speculated that a republican-controlled house would be a boon to mr. obama , who could use the gop as a foil in his own re-election campaign .
- 家不可分:论情报、监视和侦察的不可分割性。
- A house divided : the indivisibility of intelligence , surveillance , and reconnaissance .
- 理论上支持上议院经选举产生的工党决心拖延辩论时间,以加剧支持改革的自由民主党和内部出现分歧的保守党之间的紧张形势。
- Labour which in theory favours an elected upper house is determined to string out the debate so as to aggravate tensions between pro-reform liberal democrats and a divided conservative party .