- 托洛法官还认为doma违反了宪法的平等保护条款。
- Tauro also concluded that doma violates the constitution 's equal protection clause .
- 还有一个条款的子句甚至还要求国家能保持物价的稳定。
- One clause even calls for the state to maintain price stability .
- 但是对于早期公司来说,这个条款没有多大意义。
- But for an early-stage company , this clause does mean much .
- 把需要自己独力出来的东西分开变成子使用案例。
- Break out any sub use case that needs its own space .
- 英国皇家海军一艘核潜艇和法国一艘核潜艇在大西洋中部发生碰撞.这一消息已得到英国国防部的证实.
- A royal navy nuclear submarine was involved in a collision with a french nuclear sub in the middle of the atlantic , the mod has confirmed .
- 描述中说,“新cadie驱动的谷歌地球可以让您……从世界上最先进的潜水艇中欣赏海洋地形图”和“成为第一批探索深海的人类实体”。
- The description says the " new cadie-powered google earth enables you to ...... see ocean terrain imagery from the world 's most advanced sub " and " be among the first human entities to explore the deep sea " .