- “这样没意义的,”蓝胡子说;“你必须死”;然后,他一只手抓住她的头发,另一只手举起那把剑,他准备割下她的头。
- " This signifies nothing , " says bluebeard ; " you must die " ; then , taking hold of her hair with one hand , and lifting up the sword with the other , he was going to take off her head .
- 由于没有进行政治改革,达摩克利斯之剑依然高悬在政府的头顶。
- Without political reform , the sword of damocles is still hanging above the government 's head .
- 总之,人口问题已经成为悬在俄罗斯头顶的“达摩克利斯之剑”,实施有效措施已经刻不容缓。
- In short , the population has become russia 's head hanging in the " sword of damocles , " the implementation of effective measures have been urgent .