- 以利沙从那上伯特利去正上去的时候、有些童子从城出来、戏笑他、说、秃头的上去吧、秃头的上去吧。
- And he went up from thence unto beth-el ; and as he was going up by the way , there came forth young lads out of the city , and mocked him , and said unto him , go up , thou baldhead ; go up , thou baldhead .
- 稚嫩的新政府在的黎波里和其他地方的表现说明其决心避免过分的妄自尊大。
- The fledgling government 's behaviour in tripoli and elsewhere suggests that it will go out of its way to avoid undue triumphalism .
- 尽管一些党派在竞选广告中特别努力宣称代表各个民族,乌孜别克族和吉尔吉斯族之间的关系依然紧张。
- Though some of the parties go out of their way to present people of different ethnicities in their advertisements , relations between uzbeks and kyrgyz remain tense .