


indebtedness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The biggest problem may be household indebtedness .
- 最大的问题或许还在于家庭负债。
- Excessive public indebtedness poses a long-term threat to global stability .
- 公共债务过多会对全球稳定构成长期威胁。
- Even bigger jumps in household indebtedness occurred in the uk .
- 英国的家庭债务出现了更大幅度的飙升。
- Fiscal stimulus is impossible for most governments , given their indebtedness .
- 考虑到各国的债务,大多数政府来无法实施财政刺激。
- Dealing with indebtedness is crucial but the global community must also support growth .
- 解决债务问题十分关键,但为增长提供支持也是全球社会必须做的事。
- Soaring house prices and rising household indebtedness were the vehicles through which policy worked .
- 不断飙升的房价和不断加剧的家庭负债是政策得以发挥作用的两种工具。
- The frothy levels of government indebtedness prevailing in developed countries are certainly not reassuring .
- 发达国家政府普遍存在的高负债水平,当然不会让人放心。
- The reality being repressed is that the western world is suffering a crisis of excessive indebtedness .
- 而萧条的现实是,西方世界正遭遇一场过度负债的危机。
- Without job growth , household indebtedness will linger as a problem , depressing spending and hiring .
- 要是岗位不增长,家庭负债就依然会是抑制消费和就业增长的瓶颈。
- Still , even stabilisation around 3 % would be a blessed relief becauseit would slow the growth in america 's indebtedness to foreigners .
- 所以,能够稳定在3%附近都是上帝的恩惠因为那样的话可以减缓美国对外的负债增长。