- 交谈也有方便的rss内容提取器,它在信箱的feeds栏目里,他可以允许你订阅相关的rss订阅源到你的系统,然后再选择把哪些你喜欢的内容分享到你的社交类媒体频道里。
- Converse also has a handy rss content grabber , in the message box feeds section , that allows you to feed in relevant rss feeds into the system and then pick and choose which content you would like to share within your social media channels .
- 任何你可以通过电子邮件更新的服务,都可以通过谈话来更新。
- Any service that you can update via email , you can update with converse .
- 礼貌是一种社交艺术,它使与我们交谈的人能够平心静气,安然处之。
- Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse .