- 答:有条件的村镇应引入市政消防管网,农村消防用水还可以利用水井、池塘、河流等天然水源。
- Answer : conditional bourg should introduce municipal fire control to manage a network , rural fire control still can use the natural source of water such as well , pond , river with water .
- 一个多世纪前,慈禧太后被赠予一台微型发动机,好拉她到皇城内的各处地方,而她认为“冒火的大车(firecart)”极其冒犯自然秩序,将其禁止,并坚持她的车厢仍然应该由太监来拉。
- More than a century ago , when the empress dowager was given a miniature engine to bear her about the imperial city , she found the " fire cart " so insulting to the natural order that she banished it and insisted that her carriage continue to be dragged by eunuchs .
- 如果你是一个女人,你的家最近没有被水灾,火灾或其他自然灾害摧毁,在不了解你的生活的情况下,至少有一件事我们可以对你发表意见,并且可以肯定它完全毫无疑义是事实:你已经有足够的鞋。
- If you are a woman , and your home was not recently destroyed in a flood , fire or other natural disaster , there is at least one thing we can say about you , with no other knowledge of your life , and be sure that it is utterly and incontrovertibly true : you already have enough shoes .
- 同样,我也不能解雇某个能力更强的人。
- Equally I can 't fire someone more capable .
- 肯尼亚每次爆发火灾都会有大量的人员伤亡。
- Kenyans perish in large numbers with every fire that breaks out .
- 然而筋斗火是背光显示。
- But the fire is backlit .