- 海洋会排放出更少的氧气么?
- Will the ocean produce less oxygen ?
- 行动力产生能量和动力。
- Actions produce energy and momentum .
- java3d的灯光不能产生阴影。
- Java 3d lights do not produce shadows .
- 一些公司已经制造精密的无人机。
- Some companies already manufacture sophisticated drones .
- 然而,该公司尚未在印度开展制造业务。
- But it has yet to manufacture in the country .
- 各种不同的植物和植物种苗都可以用于生物能源的生产制造。
- Many different plants and plant-derived materials are used for biofuel manufacture .
- 海军陆战队士兵和周围的人一同把火扑灭了。
- The marines and others managed to put out the fire .
- 扑灭目前的大火时,必须抱有这样的动机:要减少、而非增加冒险。
- Today 's fire must be put out with incentives for less not more risk-taking .
- 消防局赶来扑灭了火灾,不过在看到地下室内的情景之后,他们马上把紧急增援部队叫了过来。
- The fire department put out the fire glanced into the basement and immediately called for emergency reinforcements .