- 如同一辈前那样,年轻的定居者和他们的父辈一样好斗,他们设立西岸小哨所,强烈抵制对定居点的拆除,广泛发布抗议声明。
- Young settlers are just as militant as their parents were a generation ago , setting up small west bank outposts and resisting their dismantlement in fierce , well-publicised mass protests .
- 夏洛蒂的作品主题几乎都是个人自觉地为实现自我价值而奋斗,都是有关一些孤独而卑微的少女对爱情,理解与完整幸福的生活的强烈渴求.
- Charlotte 's works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization , about some lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for love , understanding and a full , happy life .
- 要说其他方面,他是个好斗的小老头,要是谁表现出一点软弱,他便大肆嘲笑,并把自己看成是楼上画室里两位年轻艺术家的看护人。
- For the rest he was a fierce little old man , who mocked terribly at softness in any one , and who regarded himself as guard dog to the two young artists in the studio above .