- 压力同样可以降低性功能。
- Stress can also decrease sexual function .
- 你们的产量在减少吗?
- Is your production on the decrease ?
- 大麻会降低精子能动性和增加不正常精子的数目。
- Marijuana can decrease sperm motility and increase the number of abnormal sperm .
- 它们必须降低国内需求。
- They must reduce domestic demand .
- 上周,财政部宣称将会削减至一次。
- Last week it said it would reduce these to one .
- 开源软件可以削减甚至消除对咨询顾问与技术支持的需求。
- Open-source software can reduce or eliminate the need for consultants and tech support .
- 减少看报纸的时间报纸都是服务于自己的终端的。
- Cut down on newspapers newspapers serve their own end .
- 如果这是唯一的问题,抗利尿的处方可以减少夜间排尿。
- A prescription antidiuretic can cut down on nighttime urination if this is the only problem .
- 可以采取一些防护措施来减少风险,比如帮助高风险的女性减少酒精摄入。
- Preventative measures could then be taken such as helping vulnerable women cut down on alcohol .
- 恐慌的消费者、企业和市场将进一步紧缩开支,加速经济下滑。
- Fearful consumers , businesses and markets will retrench further , causing economic decline to accelerate .
- 家庭由于失业的增加和对可能失业的恐惧而将紧缩开支。
- Households will retrench as unemployment rises and those with jobs fear they may lose them .
- 往往在衰退时紧缩业务的华尔街公司已经处于排名的末尾。
- Wall street firms , which often retrench in downturns , have been nudged down the rankings .
- 专家称财富榜顶部的收缩并不一定意味着财富不平等差距的缩小。
- Experts said that a shrinkage at the top does not necessarily mean inequality has narrowed .
- 强迫银行根据存款量来进行贷款,就要求银行资产负债表大幅缩水,还会破坏经济指标。
- To force banks to rely only on deposits would require a big shrinkage of their balance-sheets , with devastating economic implications .
- 有些人还会注意到:我的想法旨在避免核心金融体系的资产负债表缩水。
- Some will also note that my ideas are designed to avoid a shrinkage of the balance sheets of the core financial system .
- 第四条发展循环经济应当在技术可行、经济合理和有利于节约资源、保护环境的前提下,按照减量化优先的原则实施。
- Article 4 the promotion of circular economy shall be implemented on the basis of being feasible in technology , reasonable in economy and conductive to saving resources and protecting environment in accordance with the principle of the priority of decrement .
- 然而,“你打赌,3或更多点智商下降重要吗?”拉菲尔说,他的研究关注的是主要铅中毒和儿童的神经发育。
- Nevertheless , " is a three or point iq-point decrement important ? You bet , " said lanphear , whose research has focused on lead exposure and children 's neurodevelopment .
- 权利人的实际损失,可以根据权利人因侵权所造成复制品发行减少量或者侵权复制品销售量与权利人发行该复制品单位利润乘积计算。
- A right holder 's actual loss may be computed by multiplying the decrement in the number of reproductions due to infringement or the sales volume of infringing copies with the unit profit the right holder 's would gain in producing those copies .