- 而且也不那么准确。
- And not all that accurate .
- 因为这些数据都不准确。
- Because they wouldn 't be accurate .
- 你们的模拟有多精确?
- How accurate are your simulations ?
- 我不能告诉你一个确切的日期。
- I can 't give you a precise date .
- 但这里有一些更准确的数字。
- Here are more precise measures .
- 目前尚不清楚准确的伤亡数字。
- A precise casualty count isn 't available .
- 精确的保持在华氏252度。
- 252 Degrees fahrenheit to be exact .
- 准确的数据是一项国家机密。
- The exact number is a state secret .
- 准确地讲,是六加一个理由。
- Six plus one , to be exact .
- 从不吉利的起点出发后,四家资产管理公司所走的道路全都远远偏离了处置不良债务的初衷,而摇身变成了“准精品”投资银行。
- Since their inauspicious beginnings , all four of these units have embarked on a path that has taken them far from their original mandate of debt resolution units to becoming quasi - boutique investment banks .
- 德国奉行的准和平主义和非常现实的经济利益诉求可能使其与俄罗斯达成某种默契(毕竟德国40%的天然气来自俄国),这当然是美国和波兰不愿看到的。
- It is true that germany 's quasi pacifism , combined with its very real economic interests , may lead it into an arrangement with russia that would make poland and the united states uncomfortable . Germany , after all , gets 40 percent of its natural gas from russia .
- 但这也引发了信息图的准文艺复兴用数据可视化的新方法传播动人心魄的故事。
- Yet it has also ushered in a quasi renaissance in infographics ; new methods for visualising data that tell a compelling story .
- 而今天,那种规范已经没有了。
- Today that norm has dissolved .
- 那里经常有一种令人窒息的标准。
- So often there is a deadening norm .
- 因此未来的回报很可能也比之前的标准低。
- So future returns are likely to be lower than the previous norm .
- 一些措施旨在直接刺激商业发展。
- Some measures aim to boost business directly .
- 让别人去追求数量,你自己就把目光瞄准质量。
- Let others aim for quantity . Set your sights on quality .
- 其核心目的在于重建信任。
- The aim is to rebuild trust .
- 而且,mccue重申了doll的声明,称flipboard尝试将rss用作指导方针。
- In addition , mccue reiterated doll 's claim that flipboard tries to use rss as a guideline .
- 对胜利者来说,战利品越少越好应当作为指导方针。
- To the victor the less of the spoils the better , should nevertheless be the guideline .
- 然而,她还说,不同地区的指导方针详情差异很大,多数州的指导方针并非完全基于美国农业部的估算。
- She adds , however , that guideline details vary widely across the country , and that most states don 't base their guidelines entirely on the usda estimate .
- 123接受美国能源部拨款,是根据2009年的经济刺激法案进行的。
- A123 's grant from the department of energy was funded by the 2009 economic-stimulus law .
- 当时低迷的价格还促使一些公司董事会比正常情况授予了更多的期权和股票。
- The depressed prices at the time also prompted some boards to grant larger numbers of options or shares than usual .
- 还有些议员赞同授予美国政府问责局(governmentaccountabilityoffice)审计美联储的权力。
- Others are preparing to grant sweeping audit power over the fed to the government accountability office .
- 我们不应容许这种行为。
- We should not allow it .
- 让事后经验指导你的行动。
- Allow hindsight to guide your actions .
- 允许你自己被震惊吧。
- Allow yourself to be surprised .
- 塞内加和武士们肯定会同意这一点。
- Seneca and the samurai would surely approve .
- 批准或拒绝名字标签。
- Approve or deny name tags .
- 美国国会应该批准这项法案。
- Congress should approve this legislation .
- 我们得到的回答绝对会让你大跌眼镜。
- The answers will definitely surprise you .
- 这是绝对值得尽一切努力来做的事情!
- That is definitely worth every effort !
- 照片上的相机肯定有年头了。
- The camera is definitely old .
- 今年无疑是个糟糕的年头。
- This year is certainly bad .
- 财政乘数无疑很有趣。
- Fiscal multipliers are certainly fun .
- 当然政策伴随着风险。
- Certainly the policy carries risks .
- 我的主要目标是佛罗里达。
- My main target was florida .
- 因此密涅瓦成为了家喻户晓的名字,同时也成为官方惩治的对象。
- This made him both a household name and a target for official persecution .
- 美国同样是他们谴责的目标。
- America was also a target .
- 画面中的深浅区域过渡是平滑还是锐利?
- Is the light / dark gradient smooth or sharp ?
- 特别是有许多锋利的刀具。
- Especially a lot of sharp knives .
- 用锋利的刀来防止损伤。
- Use a sharp knife to avoid damage .