- 文明的卫道士还是无情的索取高地租者?
- Defenders of civilization or merciless rack-renters ?
- 也许这并不奇怪,反精英主义的言语经常成为精英中最贪婪、最无情者的一个有用的工具。
- Maybe not surprisingly , the language of anti-elitism has often been a useful tool of the most rapacious and merciless among the elite .
- 机器的客观性可以显得慷慨或是无情,宽容或者残忍。
- The objectivity of a machine can seem generous or merciless , tolerant or cruel .
- 但愿她能开开心,永远不会后悔是自己把可怜的儿子赶出家门,让他置身冷酷的世界,去受罪,去死。
- He hoped she would be happy , and never regret having driven her poor boy out into the unfeeling world to suffer and die .
- 但是我的朋友们,你们不必对待跟从你们的人那么无情吧。
- But my friends , you were not unfeeling towards your fellow men .
- 他痛斥她,说她傲慢又无情。
- At that insolent and unfeeling remark , she felt like slapping his face .
- 股市已经从3月的低点轻松回升,摆脱了衰退和银行遭遇严酷贷款损失的影响。
- Stocks have roared back from their bottom in march with ease , shrugging off the recession and unrelenting loan losses at banks .
- 这样的评论是在环境无情的恶化而经济却保持两位数的增长下说出来的。
- The remarks come at a time of unrelenting environmental degradation that has accompanied double-digit economic growth .
- 利比亚首都的黎波里正在酝酿反对卡扎菲(moammargadhafi)政权的行动,虽然当局对任何不满迹象都进行了无情的镇压。
- Opposition to col. moammar gadhafi 's regime is simmering in the libyan capital despite an unrelenting crackdown on any sign of dissent .