- 在细雨和刮风中,我爬上了沙丘,之后,雨停了,而且太阳悄悄地露出来了。
- After I climbed on to the sand dune in the light rain and gusty wind , the rain stopped and sun peeked out .
- 秋天踯躅而去,秋风带走了红色和黄色的信笺,叶子还是没有等到恋人,就被风雨拉到地上来.
- Fall went away hither and thither with bookmark made by the ren and yellow romance in the wind , but what he 's waiting is nothing , finally drew by wind and rain into the ground .
- 正如一棵树,红尘中极细的风,物质世界极小的雨,都会引起一树枝柯的颤动,迷乱,不论这棵树是置身在庭院,还是独立于荒野。
- Just like a tree , the gentle wind from the mortal world or the minimal rain from the material world will make one of its branches vibratile and confused , whether it stands in the middle of a courtyard , or independently in the wild .