- 在一些车身件冲压过程中,有用的废料(例如为冲窗口形状产生的废料)和无用的废料例如修边后条料或其他片料一起从废料口排出,结果就导致废料的堆积。
- In some body component stamping operations , usable offal ( e.g. , the punch outs in window apertures ) goes down the scrap chute with operationally useless items like slugs and trimmed material . The parts , of course , are stacked .
- 以书面或电子方式递交加盖印花申请。
- Submit stamping application either in paper form or electronically .
- 笑并且玩和运转和跺。
- Laughing and playing and running and stamping .
- 我捆起一簇树枝,将它拴在冲压工作台上。
- I bundled a bunch of branches and anchored it on the punching bench .
- 朝鲜街道目前张贴着这样的宣传海报:工人们向空中挥拳,背景是一枚火箭正在升空。
- North korean streets currently sport propaganda posters depicting workers punching the air as a rocket rips into the sky behind them .
- 意大利给了奥地利一拳,让大家都莫名其妙。
- Italy surprises everyone by punching austria .
- 通货膨胀仍是一个紧迫的问题。
- Inflation is still a pressing problem .
- 但是它的上市会解决一些很迫切的需求。
- But it will serve some pressing needs .
- 现在最迫切的需要就是收集和分析数据。
- The most pressing need is to gather and analyse data .