- 那些官员们知道谁投了冯的票,因为他们非法对选票做了标记。
- They knew who had supported mr feng because officials had illegally marked the ballot papers .
- 冯本人逃走,但于1998年被捕并以贪污罪判处七年有期徒刑。
- Mr feng himself fled , but was caught in 1998 and jailed for seven years , accused of embezzlement .
- 这部电影是充分展示徐帆演技的一个舞台,据冯小刚说,徐帆的个性实际上“非常接近”她饰演的那位顽强的母亲。
- The film is a showcase for ms. xu , whose personality , according to mr. feng , is actually ' very close ' to that of the steely paragon of motherhood that she portrays .