- 轰隆隆碾过全世界不友好地区的悍马车队构成了美军运输的支柱。
- Rumbling over unfriendly terrain the world over , humvees form the backbone of america 's military transport .
- 但是,派遣四架军事运输机到利比亚以及将导弹护卫舰派到附近水域的决定,表明了对以往态势的反思。
- But its decision to dispatch four military transport planes to libya and a guided-missile frigate to waters nearby suggests a rethink of its posture .
- 除了都在过去几天里首次试飞以外,从表面上看空中客车公司生产的矮胖的军用运输机a400m,和波音公司光滑的787梦幻客机(见图)没什么共同点。
- On the face of it the a400m , a dumpy military transport made by airbus , and boeing 's sleek 787 dreamliner ( pictured ) have little in common other than that they both flew for the first time in the past few days .