- 是的,只要我们保持创新。
- Yes , as long as we keep innovating .
- 那些年,卡兰尼克不拿分文工资,一心只想维持企业。
- Kalanick spent those years not paying himself , desperate to keep the business afloat .
- 日本一直在尽量维持自己的全球第三大经济体地位。
- Japan has struggled to keep its standing as the world 's third-largest economy .
- 这还会增加保护主义的呼声。
- And it will raise calls for protectionism .
- 这宗上市未额外筹集资金。
- The listing did not raise additional capital .
- 最简单的方法是提高产品价格。
- The simplest is to raise prices .
- 以这个收入你能支撑起一个家庭吗?
- Can you support a family on that income ?
- 邻近单位应当给予支援。
- Neighboring units shall provide support .
- 克林顿承诺美国将继续提供支援。
- Clinton pledged continued u.s. support .
- 建立和培养你的网络.
- Establish and cultivate your network .
- 培养感激的心情有很多方式。
- There are many ways to cultivate gratitude .
- 另外这是你培养的一种习惯。
- And it 's a habit you cultivate .