- 认识到原谅别人的益处。
- Recognize the benefits of forgiveness .
- 许多哈佛学生都承认这一点。
- Many harvard students recognize this .
- 应该是很容易识别的。
- Should be very easy to recognize .
- 我们自己批准释放了自己。
- Evelle : we released ourselves on our own recognizance .
- 鸦片战争前夕,林则徐坚持旨在永断鸦片来源的具结贸易政策。
- Before the opium war , lin zeixu insists on recognizance trade policy to cut off the source of opium .
- 琼斯将自己保释出来并将在一月11日返回法庭接受问询。
- Jones was released on her own recognizance and was ordered to return to court january 11 for sentencing .