- 鉴于金融危机的规模,这场复苏的兴隆之势让人吃惊。
- And given the scale of the financial crisis , the recovery is surprisingly brisk .
- 以鲨鱼鱼翅汤和其他美食营业的餐馆生意兴隆,酒店被超额预定。
- Restaurants were doing brisk business in shark-fin soup and other delicacies . Hotels were overbooked .
- 几家星巴克的生意还很好,一家开业四年的大商场生意兴隆。
- There are several well-attended starbucks outlets , and a four-year-old mall does brisk business .
- 冰岛看起来繁荣得令人吃惊。
- The country looks amazingly prosperous .
- 这片区域经济繁荣。
- The region is economically prosperous .
- 一切一度顺风顺水事实上,其后一段时间是近代史上最繁荣的时期之一。
- All was well for a time - indeed , for one of the most prosperous times in modern history .
- 不过穆斯林喜剧正欣欣向荣。
- Yet muslim comedians are thriving .
- 周日版报纸也欣欣向荣。
- Sunday papers were also thriving .
- 现在该市的主要产业,健康医疗和教育蒸蒸日上。
- Now its main industries , health care and education , are thriving .