- 我砰地关上了电脑。
- I slammed the computer shut .
- 很多工厂将被关闭。
- Factories are to be shut .
- 那道令人悲伤的历史大门应该关上。
- That sorrowful door to the past needs to be shut .
- 双方得票应该非常接近。
- The vote should be close .
- 这么近,但又那么远。
- So close but so far away .
- 美国也在密切关注这次大选。
- The us is also paying close attention .
- 教皇的关心是有道理的。
- The pope 's concern is justified .
- 担心过度使用化学品吗?
- Concern about over-use of chemicals ?
- 然而现在主要关心的并不是经济。
- But economics is not its main concern .
- 指导方针仅仅包含微观经济改革。
- The guidelines involve only microeconomic reforms .
- 提高生产力也涉及农业改革。
- Enhancing productivity will involve structural reform .
- 该金融工具必须包含一些政府债务的连带责任。
- This instrument must involve some joint liability for government debts .