- 这本福音书是对这个基督教中最大的恶人的一种救赎,它揭示了犹大其实是一个悲剧英雄,是耶稣指定来出卖自己的人。
- The gospel is one of redemption for christianity 's greatest villain . It relates that judas was the chosen disciple and a tragic hero selected by jesus to betray him .
- 在《哈姆雷特》第3幕第2场中,当国王克劳迪亚斯对其侄儿傲慢无礼的回应不以为然时,克劳迪亚斯和悲剧英雄哈姆雷特之间有一段简短但生动的对话。
- In act 3 scene 2 of hamlet there is a brief but telling exchange between claudius and the tragic hero , when the king is unimpressed by his nephew 's insolent response .
- 一些评论家把麦克白看成亚里斯多德悲剧主角理念的完美范例,亚里斯多德在《诗论》的第十三章详细地讲述了这一理念。
- Macbeth has been regarded by some critics as the perfect exemplification of aristotle 's notion of the tragic hero as aristotle elaborated it in chapter thirteen of the poetics .