- 这条公路从北到南穿过塔克拉玛干大沙漠。
- This highway extends through the taklamakan desert from north to south .
- 1931年,这条公路进一步延伸至科罗拉多州格里利。
- This highway spanned further to greeley , colorado in 1931 .
- 爆炸手在通往机场的主要公路上袭击这辆面包车。
- The bomber targeted the bus on the main highway to the airport .
- 越南战争时的一条空旷的马路。
- An empty road during the vietnam war .
- 我们沿着这条马路离开。
- I leave just down the road .
- 他微笑地看着她踩着高跟鞋袅娜地穿过马路。
- He beams as she teeters across the road on high heels .
- 一辆破旧的红色轿车嘎吱嘎吱的开上了车道,在一座英伦庄园外停了下来。
- The beaten-up red car crunched up the driveway and came to a halt outside an english manor house .
- 一河南打工仔某日无聊逛马路。
- One henan young worker some day dull ramble driveway .
- 鸡为什么要过马路之唐诗版笑话。
- Why has chicken wanted the tang poetry edition of the driveway .