- 公开市场一片恐慌。
- The public markets are in panic .
- 罗夫也是一位公众人物。
- Rove is also a public figure .
- 公众投资者也喜欢成长型公司。
- Public investors love growth as well .
- 囚犯改宗十分常见。
- Proselytising among inmates is common .
- 这种行为是很常见的。
- This behavior is very common .
- 体制改革也并不普遍。
- Structural reform was less common .
- 一个星期后,她死于艾滋,她的尸体被一辆手推车运到了公共的墓地。
- A week later , she died of aids and her body was taken in a wheelbarrow to a communal grave .
- 他们觉得,由于西方的幸福概念是非常个人而非公共的,所以当一个人频繁追求幸福时,他的社会联系会受负面影响。
- They suspected that because western concepts of happiness are very personal - as opposed to communal - one 's social connections might suffer if one pursues happiness too intensely .
- 我能听到人们说话的喃喃的声音,在走廊的末尾,我看到一大群人在公共的清洗和烹饪区谈笑。
- I could hear the soft murmur of voices and , at the end of the corridor , saw a cluster of people laughing and talking in the communal washing and cooking area .