- 阿拉法特逝于八年前。
- Mr arafat died eight years ago .
- 他能够在一段话中塞入八个圣经故事。
- He can cram eight bible stories into a single paragraph .
- 他父亲结了四次婚,有八个孩子。
- His father was married four times and had eight children .
- 含有天然生成的维生素e和维生素c的食物有抗氧化作用。
- Foods with naturally occurring vitamin e and vitamin c have an antioxidant effect .
- 电子墨水是非常适合阅读,但又存在严重缺点的电子书屏幕技术。
- E ink is satisfying to read but deeply flawed technology for e-book screens .
- 但亚马逊依然明显地在新款金读的电子屏幕上花了很多时间进行优化。
- Still , amazon has clearly put a lot of time into refining the new kindle 's e ink screen .