- 用锋利的刀来防止损伤。
- Use a sharp knife to avoid damage .
- 请尽量避免这样做。
- Try to avoid doing this .
- 他表示,我们不应该试图防止1929年再现。
- He said we should not try to avoid 1929 .
- 当一些人想逃跑的时候,他们被逮捕了。
- When the men tried to escape , they were detained .
- 除非边境关闭,否则士兵想要逃跑是很困难的。
- It is hard for soldiers to escape unless the borders are close .
- 冯建梅试图逃跑,但被捉住并被带到了医院。
- Ms. feng tried to escape but was caught and taken to the hospital .
- 遗传知识能防止应激抑郁吗?
- Can genetic knowledge avert stress-induced depression ?
- 迄今,中央银行对避免灾难发挥了作用。
- Central bankers have helped avert disaster so far .
- 一套欧洲范围内的银行储蓄担保方案可以避免银行挤兑。
- A european-level bank deposit-guarantee scheme could avert bank runs .
- 根据法国的法律很难解雇工人。
- French laws make it hard to dismiss workers .
- 随意解雇、拖欠工资的现象仍很普遍。
- Random dismiss and wage arrears phenomenon is prevalent .
- 政府修建了很多新学校,但是却连最差的老师都不能解雇。
- Governments have built many new schools , but cannot dismiss even the worst teachers .